Adding a director to your company involves a series of detailed steps and considerations. Read on for an in-depth understanding of the process and factors associated with this decision.


Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory obligations is fundamental when adding a director to a company. As per the Companies Act 2006, notifying Companies House about changes in directorship is mandatory; this involves submitting the required document as soon as possible.

The document is typically a completed appointment form (form AP01). The AP01 form includes details such as the director’s full name, date of birth, nationality, residential address, and service address.

Form AP01 can be submitted online through the Companies House web filing service. You will need to create an account or log in if you already have one.

After submission, you will receive a confirmation from Companies House. Keep a copy of the confirmation for your records.

A copy of the board resolution approving the appointment of the new director should also be kept on file as it may be requested by Companies House during an audit.

While not submitted to Companies House, the director’s written consent to act as a director should be obtained and kept on file.

Companies House typically charges a filing fee for processing the appointment of a new director. Ensure that the required payment is paid promptly.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and legal repercussions.

Board and shareholder approval

Securing the approval of the existing board of directors is typically the initial step when adding a director. However, the company’s articles of association may dictate the need for additional shareholder consent. If so, you must convene a general meeting to obtain their approval.

Clear documentation of these approvals is essential for compliance and record-keeping purposes.

Conflict of interest

Identifying and addressing potential conflicts of interest is a subtle consideration when appointing a director. Transparency is essential, and the new director should disclose any affiliations, financial interests, or relationships that may impact their ability to make impartial decisions in the company’s best interest.

Establishing a protocol for ongoing disclosure is advisable to manage potential conflicts effectively.


The terms of the director’s appointment, including remuneration, should be clearly outlined. Your negotiations surrounding salary, benefits, and the appointment duration require careful thought.

A well-drafted contract is essential to avoid misunderstandings and provide clarity to both parties.


A specialised induction process is critical for the seamless integration of the new director into the company. This process should include an overview of the company’s history, values, and introductions to key stakeholders. Additionally, any specific training required to acquaint the director with industry regulations or unique company procedures should be provided.


Effective communication aids legal compliance and contributes to a positive working environment. Ensure your existing team members are informed about the appointment and understand its significance, which can contribute to a smoother transition. Transparent communication will help alleviate uncertainties and ease all parties into the new arrangement.


Establish mechanisms for evaluating the director’s performance and gathering feedback. This process may have to be more detailed and stringent due to the seniority and importance of the position. Regular reviews can help identify areas for improvement, assuring the director’s contributions align with the company’s evolving needs.

Get in touch

The process of adding a director to your company extends beyond administrative formalities. It involves legal intricacies, clearly defining roles, addressing conflicts of interest, and promoting effective communication.

At Thomas Barrie & Co. we provide peace of mind by managing your company’s secretarial duties, ensuring compliance with ever-changing legislation, and informing you of its impact on you and your fellow directors.

Get in touch for support with your secretarial needs.